This Packet Includes Track Planning Templates for Your HO Scale Layout by Atlas
- With Atlas Track Planning Templates, beginners can visualize the size and shape of their layout before they begin building.
- Advanced modelers can determine whether or not a complex layout design will fit together the way they planned.
- These templates are exact paper replicas of all currently available Atlas track, switches, bridges, piers, and viaduct.
- Each template can be copied on a copy machine to produce the amount of track pieces needed for a given layout.
- The templates can be cut out and positioned, like pieces of track, into the desired layout shape.
- You may choose to fasten the paper templates onto your layout surface with tape, tacks, or removable glue for a more accurate fit. Then
- remove the templates as you install the actual plastic track piece.
- Templates designed on Auto Cad V12.
- Directions are provided on how to use the track templates.